CO&SO Empoli

CO&SO Empoli is a social enterprise born in 2002 as II° level organisation of social cooperation. It is a private entity that pursues public goals, acting as a privileged interlocutor for its own Community.
CO&SO is a network of social cooperatives and social services. Currently, it has 25 members and it manages public and private services, directly or through member cooperatives. CO&SO operates on different fields of action: school services, care services for children, elderly and disabled persons, services for young people and family, school and work orientation, information services, cemetery services, maintenance of green spaces and urban hygiene services.
In the field of elderly care, CO&SO has a long experience in managing and coordinating staff for Home care services, Healthcare residences and Day care centres.
CO&SO Empoli network offers to its members services such as: General Contractor and enterprise development (acquisition of orders, participation to call for tenders), certified according to the international standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 (evidence of quality management system), Accounting services (accounting, payroll and insurance covers management) Planning and organization of training courses.
CO&SO Empoli has its own Training Agency accredited by the Region of Tuscany (Accreditation number: FI0475 Decreto Dirigenziale n.°962 del 10/03/2009). The agency carries many types of training for the associated cooperatives and external users. The whole activities of the agency are certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.
Since 2003, CO&SO Empoli has been managing various projects under the ESF scheme (European Social Fund) in the field of Social Inclusion and Employability. It had also 3 financed projects for EIF - European Integration Fund, one as applicant in 2009 and 2 projects as partner of public entities, in 2012.
Co&So will be responsible for the WP 7 of the project(Active Ageing Setup Manual). Co&So’s staff will participate to partners meetings, to the course for trainers in January in Germany, will organise and carry out the courses for well aged people in Italy and organise a partner meeting in Italy, as planned in the project. It will be also an active partner of all other phases of the projects, producing the material and documents needed for the carrying out of all project’s actions, organising dissemination activities and issuing dissemination and financial reports.
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Employees working in the project:
- Cassandra Rofi
- Sara Spini