AGRUPATION FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE PROMOTION OF THE RURAL EMPLOYMENT (ADESPER) founded in 2000, is a Non Profit National Organization with Legal Personality; it was founded as “Association”.
It is composed by different physical and juridical Entities and Organizations, Associations, SME, and Social Agents who have a huge experience in managing rural developing by carrying out both training actions and by creating new employment fields. (self employment, rural cooperatives and rural SME).
Our main objective is avoiding the high level of depopulation in rural areas; Adesper wants to fix population in those rural areas as well as promoting social and
economic conditions in rural environment.
The Adesper main interest is training and qualifying people in those new employment fields and also the use of new information and communication technologies to train and
teach the disadvantaged and discriminated people (rural women, young people looking for their first employment, social discriminated people, disabled, people who need to
reenter in the labour market..etc)
Within this objective ADESPER has worked hard in several European projects in the Leonardo Da Vinci, LEADER, LIFE, INTERREG and EQUAL Programs in order to
work for the “rural” young people professionalization, qualification, agriculture development and the rural environment protection.