Senior sports event in Krakow
From 1st to 3rd April 2016 the final sports event for seniors took place in Krakow. This sports event was one of the very important outcomes of the EU funded project Active I.
Below you find a choice of pictures to give you an impression of a well visited and very successfully event. We offered pilates classes, cmlimbing, healthy food, dancing, swimming and running competitions.
Laugh Therapy for new Active I group
Today a new Active I group could enjoy a session of laugh therapy in the town of Navatejera (Villaquilambre) to reinforce the objectives of the group sessions under the headline of mental wellbeing.
Gardening with spanish seniors
On 29th February and 3rd March 2016 , the spanish "Active Seniors" visited the Villaquilambre Social Orchards to share a pleasant morning of learning and cultivating lettuce, onions, carrots, cabbages.
The vegetables are the basis of healthy eating and if we grow it ourselves we also have some movement with gardening. To put it in a nutshell growing fruits and vegetables by ourselves is all around a great activity.
Please find some pics below from the Monday (Navatejera and Villaquilambreseniors) and Thursday group (Villaobispo seniors).
3rd course students get to know the Active I project in Léon, Spain
Ms. Mar Estrada, Gerontology teacher from Universidad de Léon and her 3rd course students are visiting the spanish project partner ADESPER in Villaquilambre Council to get to know the Active I project. Some seniors also wanted to share their experiences with the project and talked about them with the students.
ISPO Munich
From 24th to 27th January 2016 the ISPO took place in Munich. It is the international leading sports business trade show.
ISPO MUNICH 2016 offers nine fully packed exhibition segments in 16 exhibition halls covering 180,000 square meters. These impressive figures underline the event’s role as key trade show of the international sports business. There are nearly 60 exhibitors more than in the previous year. The portion of foreign exhibitors amounts to 87 percent. A strong increase in the number of exhibitors is recorded above all in the segments Health & Fitness and Outdoor.
So it was a perfect place to introduce people to the Active I project and its great outcomes:
the Course
the sports event
Conference "The three pillars of a healthy lifestyle '
On 15th December 2015 our polish project partner PLinEU organised a conference about the "The three pillars of healthy lifestyle" in Krakow.
Guests could listen to information about healthy food, proper motion and physical activity.
2nd course with seniors in Italy
The second course with seniors is almost finished by our italian Partner Co&So. Please find some pice from the training above.
5th partner meeting in Vinci, Italy
From 5th to 7th October 2015 the 5th partner meeting of the EU funded project Active I took place in wonderful Tuskany. The meeting place - a hotel in the birthplace of all-around genius Leonardo da Vinci - influenced the meeting outputs and the meeting atmosphere very successfully.
Please find some pics expressing the meeting atmosphere very well below.
Scientific conference “22th DVS University Day“
Stefanie Dahl from Muenster University presented a poster with the title: “A feasibility study of a health promotion program for older adults focusing on physical activity, nutrition and mental wellbeing - Plan50+” on the 22th conference of the German Society of Sport Science. The conference took place in Mainz (Germany) from 30.09.-02.10.2015.
Scientific conference “Active Healthy Aging 2015”
From 02.-05.09.2015, the first international scientific conference “Active Healthy Aging 2015” took place in Magdeburg (Germany). 142 sports scientist and neuroscientists from 28 countries participated in this conference to discuss about topics on ageing, nutrition, physical activity as well as cognition.
A link to the conference website:
The Activate I project is promoting healthy living routines
On Thursday June 18 2015 the seniors meeting was held in Villamoros village (municipality of Villaquilambre, Spain).
There, our Active I course participants took the opportunity to promote our project values, offering 4 different experiences: exercises or lessons they previously had learnt in the Active I Courses.
We were happy to share this nice experience with more than 70 users.
Active I project is promoting healthy living routines!!
4th Partner Meeting in Leon, Spain
From 20th to 21st April 2015 the partners met in Leon, Spain. It was a very successful and inspiring meeting since we also met the spanish seniors participating in the spanish train the senior course invented by the Active I partners.
The polish partner started the senior training
The polish partner started its senior training successfully, too. Please find some pictures:
Spanish partner started with train the senior
The training for and with the seniors took place in the Civic Center of Navatejera (Ayto. Villaquilambre, León). This course will be held from april 7th-20th.
The participants already have had sessions about nutrition and how to improve their eating habits. They already did some exercises.
Please find an article from the local newspaper:
Irish partner started its senior training
The irish partner started with the senior training, too. Please find some pics below.
Italian partners started their train senior
Please find a press review about the start of the course in Italy here. The italian partners started the coundesed course week on 10th March 2015.
BETT Show in London 21st - 24th January 2015 in EXCEL London
From 22nd to 23rd January 2015 some of the Active I project partners met at the BETT Show in London. We collected a great bunch of impressions - colourful, overwhelming, big and extravagant.
Please see the following pics to get an insight.
A colourful insight
More pictures from the training
You want to get a greater overview and more pictures from the training in Münster?
Please visit our facebook fanpage and have a look there.

Training for instructors
The training for instructors took place in Muenster, Germany, from 11th to 14th January 2015. Our future instructors from Poland, Spain, Italy and Ireland successfully completed the training to become an instructor on the course Active I - Healthy Active Living for Seniors. The training contained theoretical sessions and example units in physical activity, nutrition and mental wellbeing.
Impressions from the instructor training
Yael Netz presenting the Active I project
Yael Netz lecturing to PhD students in Brno Czech Republic. This visiting scholar project (Yael was invited for this project) is also funded by the EU, so there are all these logos.
3rd Active I Meeting in Münster
From 6th to 7th October 2014 the 3rd Active I meeting took place in Münster. We met in the DJK Bildungs- und Sportzentrum in Münster where we spent a great and interesting meeting time. In the afternoon we discovered the bike-city Münster of course by bike. To get an impression please have a look at these pics.
Impressions from the 3rd partner meeting
13th EGREPA Congress as part of the Wingate Congress in June 12-15 2014
Project partner Yael Netz describing the project to some interested staff members and graduates
A delicious meeting in Berlin/ Germany
The second meeting of the Active I partnership took place in Berlin from April 7th to 8th 2014.
We stood in the vegetarian and vegan cooking Essentis Bio Hotel in Berlin. The atmosphere for an intensiv and result orientated working method was perfect! The food was delicious and the view directly on the river Spree brought some creative thoughts into the minds of the participants.
Impressions of the meeting in Berlin
KickOff Meeting in Galway November 17th - 19th 2013
The kick-off meeting in Ireland took place at the Killary Adventure Centre in Connemara near Galway, Ireland.
The seven international partners met for the first time and got to know each other and more about the detailed objectives of the project in a relaxing and stimulating atmosphere in a wild and beautiful landscape.
During the different meeting sessions the content of this 2 ½ year long project was defined in detail and the first milestones were set for 2014.